The producers of Inside Ex-gay wish to express their sadness at the loss of one of the project’s most influential and generous contributors, Bishop John McIntyre. Bishop John passed away June 6, 2014. We offer our condolences, love and support to his family and loved ones. We celebrate the life of a man whose achievements impacted the lives of women, LGBTI Australians and the Indigenous peoples of Australia. John, you will be greatly missed. Thank you for the justice, mercy, hope and progress that your life afforded so many.


podcast2-newBishop John and his good friend and long-time associate Rev Dr John Capper came on the Inside Ex-gay radio show earlier this year to discuss their theological and pastoral support for LGBTI Christians. Their interview was a crucial milestone in the Australian church. In the past it has been a rare event for leading evangelical thinkers to come forward to share such a clear and supportive message. You can listen to the interview below or visit the program page.



What is Ex-gay?

The “ex-gay” movement is an approach to dealing with same-sex attraction that has become popular in recent decades. Sometimes known as the reparative or conversion therapy movement, ex-gay can be defined as “any form of psychotherapy, counselling or pastoral care, in any formal or informal context, that is based on the notion that same-sex attraction is a disorder or the symptom of a disorder and can, or needs to, be altered”.

Advocacy and awareness

Inside Ex-gay is currently in discussion with mental health organisations, politicians and other groups to lobby for the following changes in Australia. For more information, see the About page. To learn more about ex-gay and its dangers, visit our Library.

    • An inquiry into the prevalence of ex-gay therapy and methodology in the experience of LGBTI Australians
    • Legislation banning ex-gay therapy to minors in any therapeutic or pastoral context
    • Protection from exposure to the ex-gay idea that may come through third parties entering Australian schools
    • Compulsory content and clauses debunking ex-gay methodology, with associated audit controls, attached to all tertiary courses in counselling (or qualifications that contain a counselling component)
    • Regulation and licencing for people engaging in counselling practice



Producer and Presenter: Dean Beck
Producer and Researcher: Nathan Despott

Guests: David Lograsso, Rachel Goff, John McIntyre, John Capper, Jason Tuazon-McCheyne, Cathryn McKinney, Matt Glover, Timothy Jones, Nicole Conner and Kathy Baldock.

Podcasts of each radio interview are jointly owned by the program's researchers and contributors and are available freely at the owners’ discretion.


Special thanks to JOY 94.9, Stephanie Powell, Seona Coster, Susan Hose, Cathryn McKinney, Nicole Conner, Kathy Baldock, Colin Baillie, Rachel Goff, Andrew Boyle, Lesley Taylor, John Capper, David Lograsso, Timothy Jones, John McIntyre, Louise Karch, Jason Tuazon-McCheyne, Daniel Leighton, Allison Menzies, Sally Tonkin, Andrew McNamara, Gavin Henderson, Sam, Brian Coogan and Zoe Williamson for their support and assistance in planning and development.